As you can see, I’m turning it on via WoL, and disabling it via IOTLink. Unfortunately, the state of this entity does not depend on whether or not the computer is turned on or not:
Thanks @koying, came across the very problem and obviously didn’t read the documentation too in-depth. Working now. Also: Great to see such a coding celebrity (Team SPMC here!) lurking around here
Edit: Technical question: I already included the broadcast_address in my yaml beforehand. When would broadcast_address and host not be the same to require this extra config?
Double check if is the IP of your PC. Also, make sure it replies to ping requests, you can do it by executing ping from your command line. Most likely, it won’t reply, probably due to firewall rules. If you’re on windows, you can follow this tutorial to allow this traffic.
Thank you! Once I enabled the inbound rule for “File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request – ICMPv4 – In)” it worked! This should probably be included in the documentation.
I have a similar problem, I use a 5gbe to USB network adapter, it responds to ping requests even when the computer is asleep. I’m curious if there is an alternative way to determine if the pc is asleep or not?
Edit: solved this on my own. Used the links below to create a virtual ethernet adapter and set a seperate IP and mac address for it. Then used that IP address for the host setting in my yaml. Everything works as expected now.
Pretty sure I tried all of that but it was some time ago. Recently upgraded to windows 11 and this seems to have broken things so thanks for the reminder on how I did this the first time