State output from sensor not clear

Dear community,

I’ve tried to get a notification via Telegram which should include the humidity from the entity sensor.terra_humidity

Here is the service I call and below the output I get.
Can anyone tell me what I am missing here?

service: telegram_bot.send_message
	message: "*Johnny*
		Die Luftfeuchtigkeit sinkt! {{states.sensor.terra_humidity}}"

		- 795698630
		- 5264628073
		- 1h:/1h, 4h:/4h, 12h:/12h
		- No Reminder:/No Reminder


Die Luftfeuchtigkeit sinkt! <template TemplateState(<state sensor.terrahumidity=74.9; stateclass=measurement, unitofmeasurement=%, deviceclass=humidity, friendlyname=TempSensorTerra humidity @ 2022-02-09T23:10:06.069226+01:00>)>

	message: "*Johnny*
		Die Luftfeuchtigkeit sinkt! {{states("sensor.terra_humidity")}}"

That’s going to output the same thing. (), not []

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Oh thanks. That was easier than expected!