In one of the previous versions state restore was introduced.
I still used a AppDeamon for this with an app called switch_reset.
I’m now migrating to and was wondering if I still need the AppDeamon app. Can anyone confirm that
state restore within HASS works correctly? I see very little posts on it.
state restoration appears to have only been added for input_booleans and input_selects and i’ve never seen it work for my input_booleans. So i guess the question is, what are you using it for switch_reset for? The switch_reset link you provided doesn’t contain the code, so I can only guess what it does.
I have found that the HA state restore only works if the input_booleans are changed within the purge days set for the database. If you have something set long_term, then it returns to the off state on restart.
Does AppDaemon store the ‘status’ of other items as well?
I’m currently working on integrating my sprinkler system and need to know when it last ran - and I would like to have this info available even after a reboot where the normal ‘last triggered’ attribute of an automation shows ‘null’.
At the moment I run a script to store the value in a json file:
curl -k -H POST > /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/files/last_sprinkler_runtime.json
I retrieve it it through a file-sensor and work with it from there.
Does anybody know if there is an easier way?
I do the same with the precipitation values for the last 7 days so any easier ways would be appreciated
Hi @RobDYI - would an mqtt server save not just the state but also the attributes of the last state change, i.e. not just that an automation was on or off, but also when it was run the last time?
Thanks for that.
Need to decide if it’s worth the effort to set up a 2nd PI and familiarize myself with MQTT - which is something I tried to avoid so far
I guess it wouldn’t help me with the second part of my automation because I need a script to cycle through the precipitation values for the last 7 days anyway, i.e. Day1->Day2->Day3->…, by renaming files.
Another post pointed me towards the Input Datetime option:
This retains the stored value even through a reboot - so, I’m ditching the script that stores the value in a json-file am moving forward with ‘Input Datetime’ now.
I don’t think you need to setup two pi’s, its just what I have setup. If your pi sends all its states to mqtt, then that same pi and look up the retain states from the mqtt server when it restarts. The hassle I think is setting up a second mqtt sensors for each sensor you need states retained for. (this actually might be a nice feature request, a initial mqtt state topic as a configuration parameter)