I have a state-switch custom card inside a grid card. The state-switch is functioning correctly outside the grid, but inside the grid, the second position don’t show the card. The state switch change the climate card between the thermostat and AC depending on a input_boolean value.
We can see three cards below. The state swicth, the toggle and the grid containing the same state switch card in the second column. I try swapping the columns. I tried swapping position of the on and off. I tried putting other card, like buttons. But the second state of the state switch (in this case ‘off’) always show nothing.
WinterTime = ‘on’
WinterTime = ‘off’
Code of the grid card:
type: grid
- type: custom:lovelace-theweathernetworkcard
entity: weather.saguenay
entity_current_condition: sensor.cw_current_condition
entity_humidity: sensor.cw_curr_humidity
entity_temperature: sensor.cw_curr_temp
entity_wind: sensor.cw_curr_wind
entity_wind_gust: sensor.cw_curr_windg
entity_wind_uom: sensor.cw_curr_wind_uom
entity_feels_like: sensor.cw_curr_ftemp
entity_condition_icon: sensor.cw_curr_cond_ico
entity_temp_uom: sensor.cw_temp_uom
entity_uv: sensor.cw_curr_uv_index
entity_cond1: sensor.cw_ico_1
entity_cond2: sensor.cw_ico_2
entity_cond3: sensor.cw_ico_3
entity_cond4: sensor.cw_ico_4
entity_temp1: sensor.cw_temp_1
entity_temp2: sensor.cw_temp_2
entity_temp3: sensor.cw_temp_3
entity_temp4: sensor.cw_temp_4
entity_ftemp1: sensor.cw_ftemp_1
entity_ftemp2: sensor.cw_ftemp_2
entity_ftemp3: sensor.cw_ftemp_3
entity_ftemp4: sensor.cw_ftemp_4
entity_pop1: sensor.cw_pdp_1
entity_pop2: sensor.cw_pdp_2
entity_pop3: sensor.cw_pdp_3
entity_pop4: sensor.cw_pdp_4
entity_rain1: sensor.cw_rain_1
entity_rain2: sensor.cw_rain_2
entity_rain3: sensor.cw_rain_3
entity_rain4: sensor.cw_rain_4
entity_wdn1: sensor.cw_wdn_1
entity_wdn2: sensor.cw_wdn_2
entity_wdn3: sensor.cw_wdn_3
entity_wdn4: sensor.cw_wdn_4
entity_snow1: sensor.cw_snow_1
entity_snow2: sensor.cw_snow_2
entity_snow3: sensor.cw_snow_3
entity_snow4: sensor.cw_snow_4
- type: custom:state-switch
entity: input_boolean.wintertime
type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.living_room_thermostat
names: false
icons: true
headings: false
step: column
hvac: true
temperature: Now
state: false
decimals: '1'
step_size: '0.5'
type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.living_room_ac
names: false
icons: true
headings: false
step: column
step_size: '1'
decimals: '0'
heat: false
fan_only: false
dry: false
columns: 2
square: false
Anyone knows how to solve this issue?