I have just installing my new little shellies but not working very fine.
Shelly Dimmer 2
I have a normal togle switch UP and DOWN
On the app Button type is Edge mode
Not connected to Cloud
When i press on Switch UP light goes UP but on the app it dont update the state. It says OFF. i must then on the app click twice to turn off the light.
This is also when the Light is turned ON and i wlll turn off the light via Switch DOWN.
Wherever the state wil not be updated.
- Installed ShellyForHASS
It found the shelly and added as integration, but i can’t turn on turn off via hass. the state is constant on OFF state on HASS.
How can i solve my problem?
Is MQTT maybe o solution but which MQTT commands code should i to use for the shelly’s ?
Should Tasmota maybe solve my problem and can i then also use Regular Switch button also to turn on/off by every click