"States" page - how to edit it?


Actually question in the topic says it all :slight_smile: But let me add some details.
Im still very new into Home Assstant, but im already happy and impressed user. In just 3 days (in reality couple hours) i have been able to install it from the scratch, made basic configuration, add z-wave device and create first automations with pushbullet notifications. All of that WITHOUT any experience with linux devices before. Im very proud :wink: But also i know all of that was possible thx awesome work of people working hard at this project.
One thing what i cant sort out is starting page - called States. After adding “smart socket” and Netatmo HUB top of the screen is crowded with “badges”, i dont want so many of them and for sure not in this order. I would prefer to have just numeric values to add them in the cards. Also i would prefer to change default cards like “Switch” or “automations” into more “logical” ones like “Kitchen”, “Bedroom” with all devices, measurements, and automations in the room grouped together. How can i do that ?

You want to define groups, Those you tag as views become tabs you can move between on the States page. The view you define as default_group replaces the existing home tab. When you do that, any entity you haven’t explicitly included in a view (either directly, or through a group you include in a view) won’t be shown.

You move the badges into “cards” by adding them in groups. Then each group is a card.

Also, you can create “tabs” in which you can place groups. Tabs, are also groups. To promote a group to a “tab” (it is called a “View” in HASS terminology) you need to add a view: yes to the group’s definition.

I think the official documentation should give you a solid start:

Its working ! Thank you for your help :slight_smile: