Static IP on on RPi4

Hi, I tryed to find an answer and I found many but none it’s working nor solve my problem (so I think I have some problem searching).

I want to install the DHCP add-on on on a rpi4 and use it for my whole lan so I tryed to give it a static ip.

I found very old posts, I found posts about using a cli command “nmcli” but the terminal respond with a “command not found”, I found posts talking about editing a file in /etc/NetworkManager but I didn’t see that folder.

Too many posts and not a single solution I can apply.

I’m pretty sure I’m missing something quite obvious so here I am asking for advices.

Official documentation is here:


Thank you very much, you really made my day.

BTW how did you found that doc? Is it linked from or did you just search in the github repo?


Go the the Home Assistant web page. Click on the Getting Started sub-tab at the top. Scroll down to the Installation paragraph. Step four explains the process and has links to my-network examples.

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I had to build HassOS some time ago to solve issues I had. So I searched the repo and read all docs :laughing:
Didn’t know that it was linked in the getting started page! Thanks @micque