Statistics Entity misbehaving

I use a number of statistics entities to derive averages over the last 24hrs so they can be written to a log file daily. I’ve had some strange behaviours from one - I think it happens during a HA restart - can anyone see what is going wrong & how I can overcome it?
The source is the temperature outside my house which I get from one of 3 sources (to avoid solar overheating mostly). This is working well and does not glitch on a restart.

  - platform: statistics
    name: "Ext last 24hrs"
    unique_id: ext_last_24hrs
    entity_id: sensor.processed_outside_temp
    state_characteristic: average_linear
      hours: 24

And this is what happened the other day (less extreme glitches have occurred on more recent HA restarts). The line for the source sensor is staedy arounf 9C during this period.