I’ve got a Utility counter set up which successfully counts up energy for the day, and resets at midnight as it should.
When I put it into a statistics graph the line just keeps increasing forever, giving a total energy amount rather than reflecting what the Utility counter shows.
Here’s what the Utility counter looks like in Developer Tools:
state_class: measurement
last_reset: '2021-08-15T22:46:47.696033+00:00'
source: sensor.energy_consumed
status: collecting
last_period: '10.48'
meter_period: daily
tariff: peak
unit_of_measurement: kWh
friendly_name: daily_energy peak
icon: mdi:counter
device_class: energy
The counter sensor.energy_consumed which it pulls from is from an Efergy Engage device. This works fine in the statistics graph and resets daily, except for the weird fact that it resets 8pm every night instead of midnight. This is an issue on the Efergy side, hence why I’m trying to do it in a Utility Meter instead.