I want to calculate the (estimate) power usage of some of big appliances together: electric stove and oven. I do not have any measurements on these items. Calculation should be something like:
[Electricity Meter Power consumption] + [PV grid_power] - [Boiler power] - [Washing machine] - […]
What’s the best way to do this? I was looking at the ‘Helpers’ but I cannot find any.
With this data I want to see if there was for a certain period of time excessive power usage and give a warning (eg the stove has been left on longer than 45 min…). There is no Helper for that also, however I read that this should be done by Statistics, but this only works for physical sensors??
You can find that here…in the part where is says ‘state’ you sum-up your sensors alike below
The pipe-float is there as the states are always string-values, so in order to sumup…needs float