Statistics sensor actuating on reboot

With the below code I sending myself a message whenever the washing machine is done. This works almost perfect with 1 issue: whenever HA reboots I will also get a message that the washing machine is done. Have been picking my brains on a solution, but cannot find one. Does anyone have a good tip on how to prevent this automation happening directly after a reboot?

- platform: statistics
    name: statistics op wasmachine value
    entity_id: sensor.energy_washing_machine
  - alias: 'Wasmachine notify'
      platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.statistics_op_wasmachine_value_mean
      below: 2
      - service: notify.pushbullet
          title: "'Wasmachine"
          message: "De wasmachine is klaar"

Perhaps an additional condition could help. My guess is that the evaluation of the state matches as long as the stats sensor is not populated.