Statistics Sensor not showing up

Running HASS 0.95.4. Tried setting up the statistics sensor ( and it does not show up at all.

My configuration.yaml files has these entries:

sensor: !include myconfigs/sensors.yaml

myconfigs/sensors.yaml contains this (along with other working sensors):

- platform: statistics
  entity_id: sensor.acurite_5_in_1_wind_speed_mph

- platform: statistics
  entity_id: sensor.acurite_5_in_1_wind_direction

both of those entities exist. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Do you mean that the statistics sensor does not show up or that it is not existing (in the dev pane)


I do not see it when I search for statistics in the states page. I’m assuming that it would show up like any other device there. Is that incorrect?

They won’t be in a statistics Domain - they are a sensor.

What will they be called. Can you tell me why looking at the information I posted above?

In don’t use these myself (yet). From some examples, I guess the sensors have a _mean suffix. So in your case, you should see:


Nope. The only thing I have with mph in the name is the original ‘sensor.acurite_5_in_1_wind_speed_mph’

I found it. It has an unexpected (to me) name of sensor.stats_mean and sensor.stats_mean_2 … Thanks for the help

I wasn’t aware of this at first, but the documentation was clear on this:

(string)(Optional)Name of the sensor to use in the frontend.
Default value: Stats

You could change the name of the sensors like this:

- platform: statistics
  entity_id: sensor.acurite_5_in_1_wind_speed_mph
  name: "Acurite 5 in 1 Wind Speed MPH"

- platform: statistics
  entity_id: sensor.acurite_5_in_1_wind_direction
  name: "Acurite 5 in 1 Wind Direction"

This will give you the sensors


In which kind of map do you represent the result?
Find nothing that looks like the example.