Stelpro STZW402+ can't set_temperature

Hello there, I’m using a stelpro STZW402+.

I was able to add the node (not secured) to Z-wave.
I’m using the config file provided by OZW 1.4.

It created two entities:

  • climate.stelpro_stzw402_electronic_thermostat_mode
  • sensor.stelpro_stzw402_electronic_thermostat_temperature

When I look at the entity climate.stelpro… I have this:


Where the state attribute Temprature says NULL.

I try calling a service. Can’t seem to change the setpoint/temperature of thermostat.
The only thing that works is changing the preset to Eco mode or None (heat).

What I’m I missing ?
What should I check?

I used to have it on Smartthings and on ST everything worked fine…


Hi, I was able to make work set_temperature (and display the setting) by adding:

<Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="1" label="Heating setpoint" units="C" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="18.0" /> 

In the <CommandClass id=“67” name=“COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT” … section for each device.

In my zwcfg_xxx.xml config file.
I did it for the three STWZ402+ I have at home.
Automation is working perfectly.

Hello there this is what my stzw402.xml file look like in the ozwave - config folder look like.

Don’t see any <CommandClass id=“67” name=“COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT” …

I do see <CommandClass id=“67"

Should I put the line underneath that? If you could copy your full XML file in where would be awesome.

Thanks for the reply though! Really appreciated.

<Product Revision="3" xmlns="">
    <MetaDataItem name="OzwInfoPage"></MetaDataItem>
    <MetaDataItem name="ProductPic">images/stelpro/stzw402.png</MetaDataItem>
    <MetaDataItem id="0001" name="ZWProductPage" type="0001"></MetaDataItem>
    <MetaDataItem name="ResetDescription">The thermostat may be manually reset to its factory state.
When this is performed, all parameters are reset to their default values and the thermostat is removed (excluded) from the Z-Wave network.
To reset the thermostat to its default state:
- Enter the advanced settings
- Enter the °STELPRO menu (menu 6)
- Navigate to the “def” screen using the UP or DOWN buttons.
- Enter the “def” menu by pressing the UP and DOWN buttons for less than 3 seconds
- Select “yes” and confirm the selection by pressing the UP and DOWN buttons for less than 3 seconds.
If the thermostat was added (included) in a Z-wave network, it will send a ‘’device reset locally’’ notification.
The thermostat will then reset itself.

Please use this procedure only when the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.</MetaDataItem>
    <MetaDataItem id="0001" name="Identifier" type="0001">STZW402+</MetaDataItem>
    <MetaDataItem name="Description">Ki, the smart home line-voltage thermostat by Stelpro - STZW402+
•	The very first Z-Wave Plus line voltage thermostat in North America
•	Supports 120Vac - 240Vac (50/60 Hz) voltages
•	Controls baseboard heaters and convectors up to 4000W
•	Easy to use 2 button interface
•	Made in Canada
•	High precision temperature control +/- 0.1 °C
•	Z-Wave Plus certified, works with thousands of other Z-Wave devices
•	Brings optimal comfort into your smart home
•	Can be integrated into smart home automated scenes
•	Local keypad lock
•	Displays external temperature
•	Adjustable backlight intensity
•	Comfort and Eco modes
•	Celsius or Fahrenheit display
•	Quiet TRIAC operation
•	Frost-free warning
•	Sleek design to harmonize with any decor
•	Backed by Stelpro’s 30 years of experience as a leader in the heating market</MetaDataItem>
    <MetaDataItem id="0001" name="FrequencyName" type="0001">U.S. / Canada / Mexico</MetaDataItem>
    <MetaDataItem name="InclusionDescription">Make sure the Z-Wave hub is in the include mode (Refer to your Z-Wave hub instruction manual).

To add (include) the thermostat to a Z-Wave network, enter the Menu 1 (Z-Wave menu) and select “On”. Then press the UP and DOWN buttons to start the inclusion process. During inclusion, “On” will be blinking and the connectivity icon  will be animated in an increasing pattern. When the inclusion process has been completed, On will be displayed solid. If an error occurs, “Err” will be displayed for 3 seconds then the screen will revert to “Off” selection.
    <MetaDataItem name="ProductManual">;filename=Manuals/1603/INS_STZW402_1215_EN.pdf</MetaDataItem>
    <MetaDataItem name="Name">Ki - Electronic Thermostat for Smart Home</MetaDataItem>
    <MetaDataItem name="ExclusionDescription">Make sure the Z-Wave hub is in the exclude mode (Refer to your Z-Wave hub instruction manual).
To remove (exclude) the thermostat from a Z-Wave network, enter the Menu1 (Z-Wave menu) and select “Off”. Then press the UP and DOWN buttons to start the exclusion process. During exclusion, “Off” will be blinking and the connectivity icon  will be animated in an decreasing pattern. When the exclusion process has been completed, Off will be displayed solid. If an error occurs, “Err” will be displayed for 3 seconds then the screen will revert to “On” selection.
      <Entry author="Justin Hammond - [email protected]" date="24 May 2019" revision="3">Initial Metadata Import from Z-Wave Alliance Database -</Entry>
  <!-- Association Groups -->
  <CommandClass id="133">
    <Associations num_groups="1">
      <Group index="1" label="Lifeline" max_associations="1"/>
  <!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 0 based, not 1 -->
  <CommandClass id="67">

Also do I need to restart Z-wave or home assistant after doing the modification?
Do I need to exclude/ include this device after modification?


Hi, this is the wrong file.

You need to:

  • Stop the network
  • Edit the xml file you have in config/ (in my case, it is: /root/config/zwcfg_0xd85e0e9b.xml but it will have a different name for you)
  • Added the line in the right section for your device (you will already find a line about “cooling 1”, just add the new one before of bellow).
  • Start your network

For information, you will find all four zw devies in that file, and no need to exlude/include.
Just be sure to stop the network before otherwise your changes will be overwitten.

Did find the file you are talking about. Sorry my mistake.

I wanted to copy the file here but damn too long (too many characters).

The problem is that I search the file for 67 can’t find that in the file.
Searched for cooling 1 can’t find that.

Nothing in there seems to point to the Stelpro.
Any tought?


nevermind. found. not sure why I couldn’t search for those words.

Thanks again!