Then I repeated the doorbell sound more 5 times while the Google Hub is reproducing the live stream …
this allows me to be able to check how is at my door and at the same time to allow the doorbell to ring in case I’m distracted by something
@sierramike@wave0 I am considering getting the G4 door bell and would like the functionality Sierramike mentioned (streaming to Google Nest Home Max screen) - I have been reading on the net where people say it takes 30 seconds plus to get the stream on a Google display but these comments are all old. Have things improved? What is the responsiveness to stream these days? I currently have a Nest Hello which fires the stream to the Google display very quickly
Thank you for this! I did mine so it streamed the feed to my Chromecast. However, it is extremely slow and delayed. Any ideas why this might be the case, especially since everything (Chromecast, Home Assistant and Unifi G4 Doorbell) are connected to the internet via ethernet cable?