Steps to install python homeassistant.remote w/o full Home Assistant install to inspect state objects and/or help understanding output of this Lovelace graph history card

I am trying to inspect some state object to understand why they appear to be different.

I found this reference, but the link to the homeassistant.remote package in GitHub is broken and searching returned me nothing.

I see references to installing a whole instance of Home Assistant to get this, but would like just the remote access ability to a docker container locally on a Raspberry Pi

Or perhaps someone can help me with my basic issue.

I have several sensor objects that I am to plot in a history-graph (temperature) card in Lovelace. Two of the sensors seem to return something different than the others. At first I thought it was the fact they returned values without a decimal part, but I have other history graphs (humidities) of other sensors with whole values that plot correctly.

When I try to use templates to display the two different sensor object types in custom markup card (temp), both seems to return:
[object Object]

See picture of problem card and other cards below:


are you referring to the bar graph vrs numerical graph? If so, you are most likely missing units on the bar graphs. You’ll need to delete your database for history to update it too because it will think it’s a string forever.

And by units I mean unit_of_measurement. Which can be set inside customize.

Also, if you want to view the state object, use the template editor.

to iterate and see it (not as a dictionary)

{% for attr, value in %}
{{ attr }} = {{ value }}
{% endfor %}
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Great ideas, thank you! The template editor looks to be a very good resource, when I looked at it before your guide, it did not register to me what I could do with it. The Lovelace card I am trying to use is the ‘History Graph’:

  - type: history-graph
    title: Temperatures
      - sensor.garage_temperature
      - sensor.backyard_temperature
      - sensor.living_room_temperature
      - sensor.dark_sky_temperature
      - sensor.entryway_temperature
      - sensor.small_bedroom_temperature

I will explore the SQLLite DB and see what is in it. I hope I don’t have to delete the db to fix single sensor problem.

Thank you for your help.

Thank you, your idea about the lack of ‘unit_measurement’ for the two problem sensors was the issue. I added this attribute to the sensors to match the other and the Lovelace history-graph now displays correctly. No need to do anything with the database.

Well, that’s good!

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