Still having trouble tracking by BLE (platform: bluetooth_le_tracker)

How do I know what my BLE MAC address is? The one below is my BT MAC address (obtained on my iPhone via Settings->General->About) but I don’t see this in the “hcitool lescan” results and home assistant never picks it up. It picks up everything else though it seems! (including my Anova sous vide in the kitchen)

Originally I had “track_new_devices” turned on but it tracked everything including people picking up their kids at the school across the street and people just driving/walking by the house. It tracked a lot of BLE MAC addresses. I’ve since disabled “track_new_devices” and deleted those from the state table (via sqlite3) and from the known_devices.yaml (except my own iPhone) so my UI isn’t slow AF.

In configuration.yaml:

  - platform: bluetooth_le_tracker
    track_new_devices: false

In known_devices.yaml:

  hide_if_away: false
  mac: BLE_F8:62:14:DA:98:51
  name: My iPhone
  track: true

So anyway, how do I know what my BLE MAC address is? And if it’s the same as my BT MAC address how come hcitool doesn’t see it but sees everyone else?