Still missing? Kasa KL125

Hi there,
I recently bought Kasa KL125 but the Kasa integration doesn’t find the light.
I’ve read the other (now outdated) topics and updated to the latest HA but still the bulb isn’t showing up.

Is there something I’m missing?

Thanks you!

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Not sure if you’ve figured this out yet, but - I’ve just installed a KL125 bulb and it was discovered with no issues. I screwed the bulb in without turning it on. I installed the Kasa app on my phone. I followed the instruction on the app to create an account, then continued to follow the instructions to get the bulb on my wireless network and working on the app. I then went to HA, added the integration, left “host” blank as instructed to have it “discover”, and the bulb was added with no issues. Hope this helps.

I was having a similar issue…HA was not automatically discovering my KL125 bulb. I already have several Kasa smart plugs so I have the integration already installed/loaded on HA. When I plug a new Kasa smart plug in, and just reload HA, it auto discovers the plug no problem. However, this didn’t work with the KL125 bulb. Here are the steps I took that finally ended up working for me:

  1. I loaded the bulb in the Kasa app of course.
  2. In the Integrations page on HA, I clicked +Add Integration and added the TP-Link Kasa Smart integration (even though I already had this integration installed)
  3. Left the host blank (putting in the IP of the bulb did NOT work).
  4. After a few seconds of waiting, a dialog popped up listing my Kasa Smart Bulb. I clicked Submit, then Finish on the “Success” dialog, and it was added!