Stookwijzer creating custom-component


I’m new to homeassistant development and a noob with python, but I like to tinker. I would like to create a duplicate of the ‘stookwijzer’ component to play around with. The API returns more date than this component currently shows, so I’d like to use this as an opportunity to dive into it and see if I can get the info displayed in homeassistant.

I’ve read some threads about creating a folder in the custom-components folder within the config and creating the files you want to edit there (and considering any pathnames the original app has).

So far so good, but I seem to be missing the code that actually connects to the API. I have found the seperate stookwijzer repository by frenck, where the ‘’ seems to contain this info, but the actual component repository on the homeassistant github does not have this file. Is a cross-reference between these two being made? If yes, is it even possible for me to replicate this with custom-components files, or should I fork frenck’s stookwijzer repository and somehow reference this from the homeassistant files? If the latter, how would I do this, because I don’t see any urls for the repo mentioned in the component files, so I’m not sure how this works. :slight_smile:

Thank you so much in advance for any insight and advice!

if you want to develop, you could probably get help in Home Assistant (if you re not already on discord, you need to join there, and configure your account being of the developer type…)

You need to look at the manifest.json file to see the requirements. There is a requirement for
stookwijzer v1.5.1. These requirements are downloaded (by HA) from pypi, so if you search for it there (most times) you can find a link to the repo where the source is. In this case…

Hm alright, so I guess I won’t be able to copy and alter this specific component then. I checked manifest.json and with pypi as you mention, I assume it’s not as easy as forking the stookwijzer repo from fwestenberg and referring to it from the manifest.json file, right?

Is it correct that I would probably have to develop an intergation and upload to HACS instead?