Stop getting notifications from friends server?

Hi, I’ve been scratching my head for a while about this, never found an answer and just stopped caring about it. But now I need to figure this one out.

I once connected to his home locally with my android companion app. Ever since then I get notifications when his alarm deactivated in the morning and when his electric bike is fully charged. The strange thing is that I don’t get notifications for other stuff, like when the dishwasher finishes and when the laundry is done etc etc.

I have removed his server from my companion app long ago right when i got back to my place, and my own server, even reinstalled the app on my new phone. How do we get this nonsense to stop? Where is my phone stored in his setup? Heck I even changed the phone, how does it even know where to send it?

Any good advice?


Settings → Devices & Services → Mobile App

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Oh my, thank you. How could we miss someting so simple. Was digging around exactly everywhere else but there :sweat_smile::muscle: