Stop influxdb data being updated on restart / HA update


Slightly related to this:

I have a sensor setup to capture hourly, daily and monthly energy use. I’ve setup a visual in Grafana and it’s revealed a slight issue. It looks like whenever I restart HA, which is fairly often with updates, I get data passed to influxdb for these sensors at the time of restart. Example below, where is still get the correct total at 00:00, but another value when restart occured.

Any advice on how to stop this happening?



I have also noted this behaviour which makes the influxdb integration practically worthless.

The only (bloody) workaround I have figured out, is to create Appdaemon app and write to the influxdb via the Rest Api of influxdb.
You have to use the Rest Api because the influxdb python lib is not working anymore, at least for the 1.x version of influxdb.

All in all not a great solution.