Stopping an automation only if another automation is not running


first of all, i want to mention that i am very new with HA and maybe this is a simple way to resolve but:

  • i’ve created a DIY automation solution for my house heating, based on actuators
  • i’ve created an automation for each room separately to both start and stop the heating pump

my problems are:

  • that i cannot figure out how i can condition an automation for stoping the heating pump to check if the other start heating automations are running and, if none of them are running, then stop the heating pump, else, the heating pump continues to run.
  • i want for the automation that will start the heating pump to check if the pump is already running, if so, just start the actuators, else start both the heating pump and actuators


Do you have a device that controls the pump? Are you able to see the state - on or off - of the pump?

so full setup:

  • 1 heating boiler
  • 1 controller for the boiler (linked to HA)
  • 3 heat pumps on each floor (linked to HA)
  • temperature sensors for each room (linked to HA)
  • actuators on the pump, that controls the heating for each room (linked to HA)

for all of the devices i am able to see and control the state (on/off)

Maybe you could have a Number Helper to help with this. Each time an automation calls for heat it increments the helper by 1 and each time an automation stops calling for heat it decrements the helper by 1.

You could then have an automation that controls the pumps: if the number helper changes to zero it turns the pumps off and if the number helper goes above zero it turns the pumps on.

I probably haven’t understood what you need.

post what you have now as far as the automations (ensure it’s correctly formatted using code blocks) so we can see where they need modified.