Storage is full, but with what?


My Home Assistant storage is regularly full, so I have to delete some backups to continue using it. My first thought was that frigate was using most of the space, but after deleting all of the clips, snapshots and recordings my storage is still 90% full.

According to frigate the “recording & snapshots” location is using 103GB+. How can I find out what is taking up all of this space?


The screen just shows the host storage reporting.

Here is the storage sensor for HA for mine:

Here it is from Frigate:

As far as I understand it frigate used as much storage as it can with recording the streams. Once the driveways to a certain percentage full it deletes the older stuff. Therefore your disk will.always be full.

that is incorrect, frigate will only keep the amount of days that have been configured for recordings.

Frigate will automatically delete recordings if there is not enough storage available

yes exactly, in 0.13 there will be a tooltip that explains this

Screen Shot 2023-10-13 at 10.53.21 AM

First thing is check is

Log files, database, or backups.

Also text to voice mp3s and video thumbnails.

I just went through a nightmare of storage filling to 100% constantly. Not log files,not database.

Finally found it…adguard query file’s

Deleted the files and adguard and all is well.

If you have it installed it may be worth a look.


Hi all,

Thanks for the replies. Good to know that indeed it is not perse frigate that is taken up the space.

I checked all the files/folders in the file editor. I also checked the media. There’s not much storage in there.
I don’t have adguard in my home assistant.

What do you mean bij log files? I assume they don’t take up a lot of space? I don’t see any storage related log entries.

How can I checked the storage that’s been used by the database?

Of course I have some backups, but those are not taking up that much space either.

Hi, any extra thoughts on this?

i have the same issue, i used samba and went in every folder they dont take more than 20% space
80% i dont know what use it

i have my home assistant running for years, and the storage keep getting low and low and i dont know what is taking it :frowning:

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