So… I recently upgraded my Espresso machine and grinder. And I came up with the idea to get some support from HA in remembering my settings and findings for the coffee beans I use.
General idea
I use coffee beans from different stores and different bean flavors. As all you coffee addicts probably know; each bean requires its own grinder settings. As I grind single dose, it comes down to the size of the grinded coffee (18.5 grams of beans need to be transferred into 36 grams of espresso (in about 25 secs)). Once there, the fine-tuning begins. But, that takes multiple tries and wastes beans. So once I got the sweet spot, I want to store my grinder settings. So next time I buy these beans I can start at that sweet spot again and waste fewer beans.
HA and ESPhome
I would like to use HA to store the info and ESPHome LVGL to display the info on a small display near the Espresso machine (already got a Crowpanel for this).
LVGL is new to me, but that is something for later…
Starting off
ChatGPT to the rescue to have a fast start But I doubt what the best approach is. My initial thought was to store all settings in HA helpers. I then would have:
- one helper per coffee brand
- per coffee brand multiple bean options
- For each bean option the grinder settings (and perhaps some extra info, as a short description of its taste).
So that could potentially lead to a lot of helpers. And I don’t like that. I am wondering if there is a better option to do this.
Any suggestions on this? Has anybody been down this path before?