Storkair WHR930 via RS232 (not MQTT)

Hi all,

I’d like to integrate my Storkair WHR 930 into HA via Serial RS232. I’ve managed to made it work via MQTT tutorials but like to go straight RS232 instead, because I only like to add a switch to toggle between Summer and Winter mode when needed. I have a Serial to USB adapter connected to my PC and would like to see it working via an RS232 tool like Hercules before starting. At some point, I’d like to use the Elfin EW10A to put it on the network.

Anyone can help me with step 1, sending and verifying control over the USB adapter? I have connected to the Serial Adapter, baud 9600, 8, 1, none but don’t see any communication RX when I change modes on the Storkair. Sending TX is a bit hard for me due to the checksum etc.

The cable should be good since it worked via MQTT before.
MQTT doesn’t have the toggle summer mode I need.


I have figured it out !!

I have managed to add buttons that fire the commands successfully!

I’ve made some notes which I share below, but I still might need some help to change the summer mode from recirculate to extract and back (see picture).

Also, in my last tests in the document below, I get weird values from reading the temperatures. They are very high / impossible. At some point in the protocol, it states “* Gesendeter Wert ist (Temperatur + 20) * 2”, but how to calculate?

Values should be below 20 Celsius. Is this a matter of taking HEX value 44, -20 : 2?

Tested and working commands:
Ventilation speed control 1/2/3/auto
Read firmware
Read Values

Change Winter Mode (re-circulate) to Summer Mode (Extract air only) (see picture above)

Feedback (ACK) to my buttons, like a little greed led bulb that goes green for a second and red when no ACK came back.

Home Assistant:

Home Assistant Terminal & SSH Shell Commands Test:

Open the HA SSH Terminal and verify if nc (NetCat) is installed with this command:

nv --version

If you see the version details, it works

WHR903 / CA350 test commands:

(replace my IP and Port to match the IP of the Elfin / Moxa or other brand device you have used to convert Serial to IP)

Fan 1
echo -e -n '\x07\xF0\x00\x99\x01\x04\x4B\x07\x0F' | nc 8899

Fan 3
echo -e -n '\x07\xF0\x00\x99\x01\x02\x49\x07\x0F' | nc 8899

Firmware (no response):
echo -e -n '\x07\xF0\x00\x69\x00\x16\x07\x0F' | nc 8899

Script to add in configurations.yaml:

  run_nc_command_fan_1: echo -e -n '\x07\xF0\x00\x99\x01\x02\x49\x07\x0F' | nc 8899
  run_nc_command_fan_2: echo -e -n '\x07\xF0\x00\x99\x01\x03\x4A\x07\x0F' | nc 8899
  run_nc_command_fan_3: echo -e -n '\x07\xF0\x00\x99\x01\x04\x4B\x07\x0F' | nc 8899
Button in Lovelace to call script:

show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
name: Send Hex Command Fan 1
icon: mdi:fan-speed-1
  action: perform-action
  perform_action: shell_command.run_nc_command_fan_1


Storkair WHR930 RS232 via Extron DataViewer

TX firmware version:
$07$F0$00$69$00$16$07$0F (Hercules format)
%07%F0%00%69%00%16%07%0F (Extron DataViewer format)
\x07\xF0\x00\x69\x00\x16\x07\x0F (Home Assistant Format)

RX Hercules format:
{07}ð{00}i{00}{16}{07}{0F}{07}ó{07}ð{00}j{0D}{03}F CA350 luxe‡{07}{0F}

RX DataViewer format in both HEX and ASSCII:
 ó ðj
F CA350 luxe‡ 

Calculating the checksum for example command %07%F0%00%69%00%16%07%0F in Decimals:

Kommando: 0x00 0x69
Anzahl: 0x00

Summe = 0 + 105 + 0 + 173 = 278
278 = 0x0116

Checksumme = 0x16 

Calculating the checksum via MS Windows 11 Calculator (put on Programmer mode) in HEX field:

Kommando: 0x00 0x69
Anzahl: 0x00

Summe = 0 + 69 + 0 + AD = 
116 = 0x0116

Checksumme = 0x16

*Die Checksumme ergibt sich durch Addition aller Bytes (exklusive Start und Ende) plus 173. *Tauch der Wert 0x07 doppelt im Datenbereich auf, so wird nur eine 0x07 für die *Checksummenberechnung benutzt. 
*Wenn die Checksumme größer als ein Byte ist, wird das niederwertigste Byte verwendet.

From here, I will use Extron DataViewer format.


TX ventilatorstatus abrufen:

Kommando: 0x00 0x0B Ventilatorstatus abrufen
Daten: -
Antwort: 0x00 0x0C
Daten: Byte[1]
Zuluft (%)
Abluft (%)
Drehzahl Zuluft Ventilator (U/Min**)
Drehzahl Abluft Ventilator (U/Min**) 

%07%F0%00%0B (00 0B is the command) 

Calculating the checksum in Decimals:
00+11+00+173 (HEX 0B = Decimal 11)

Calculating the checksum in HEX:
00+0B+00+AD (HEX AD = Decimal 173 which is the value we need to add according tot the RS232 Protocol)

Command with checksum:

RX Feedback:

RX Feedback Explained:
[07][F3] ack
[07][F0] start
[00][0C] command
[06] data length
[5A][64][02][B8][02][80] data (e.g. hex 64 = decimal 100)
[B9] checksum
[07][0F] end

TX Ventstatus abfruffen:
%07%F0%00%CD 				(CD = decimal 205 + checksum 173 = decimal 378 = hex 17A)
%07%F0%00%CD%00%7A%07%0F 	(17A becomes hex 7A, skipp the 1 in 17A or any HEX value starting with 1)

[07][F3] ack
[07][F0] start
[00][CE] command (Start of the checksum = 00 + CE = 206 bytes in Decimals)
[0E] length 	(= 14 bytes) 
[0F] byte 1 	(= 15 bytes)
[1E] byte 2 	(= 30 bytes)
[3C] byte 3 	(= 60 bytes)
[0F] byte 4 	(= 15)
[19] byte 5 	(= 25)
[32] byte 6 	(= 50)
[64] byte 7 	(= 100)
[5A] byte 8 	(= 90)
[04] byte 9 	(= 4)
[01] byte 10 	(= 1)
[64] byte 11 	(= 100)
[5A] byte 12 	(= 90)
[00] byte 13 	(= 00)
[00] byte 14 	(End of the checksum = 00 + Decimal 173 which is HEX AD)
[CD] checksum 	(see below for the calculation that matches this value)
[07][0F] end

Calculating the Checksum:
00+CE+0E+0F+1E+3C+0F+19+32+64+5A+04+01+64+5A+00+00+AD = hex 3CD (see above to see this is correct, we ignore the first digit)


Random test commands:

TX Klappenstatus abrufen :
%07%F0%00%0D (0D + AD (173) = BA)


RX Explained:
[07][F3] Ack
[07][F0] Start
[00][0E] Command
[04] RX has 4 Bytes of data
[00] Byte 1 = FF = Bypass (%) (0xFF = undefiniert)
[FF] Byte 2 = 00 = Vorheizung (1 = Offen / 0 = Zu / 2 = Unbekannt) 
[00] Byte 3 = 00 = Bypass Motorstrom (ADC Rohdaten) 
[00] Byte 4 = 190 = Vorheizung Motorstrom (ADC Rohdaten)
[BE] Checksum (00 + 0E + 04 + 00 + FF + 00 + 00 = BE)


TX Stufe setzen Niedrig:
%07%F0%00%99%01%02%49%07%0F (99+1+2+AD = 149 (write 49)

TX Stufe setzen Mittel:
%07%F0%00%99%01%03%4B%07%0F (99+1+3+AD = 14A (write 4A)

TX Stufe setzen Hogh:
%07%F0%00%99%01%04%4B%07%0F (99+1+4+AD = 14B (write 4B)


TX RS232 Modus Command info:

0x00 0x9B 		Command RS232 Modus setzen
Daten			: Byte[1] 	
0x00 			= Ende
0x01 			= Nur PC
0x03 			= PC Master
0x04 			= PC Logmodus

TX RS232 Modus setsen:

%07%F0%00%9B%01%04%4D%07%0F (9B + 01 + 04 + AD = 14D becomes 4D)

 ó ðœK  Response
[07][F3][07][F0][00][9C][01][01][4B][07][0F] Response in HEX

RX Antwort info: 
0x00 0x9C
Daten: 			Byte[1] (0x00 = Ohne Verbindung)
0x01 			= Nur PC
0x02 			= Nur CC-Ease
0x03 			= PC Master
0x04 			= PC Logmodus

RX Explained:
[07][F3]  Ack
[07][F0]  Start
[00][9C]  Command
[01] 	  Verbindung (00 = Ohne Verbindung, 01 = Verbindung) 
[01] 	  Verbindung Typer (0x01 = Nur PC, 0x02 = Nur CC-Ease, 0x03 = PC Master, 0x04 = PC Logmodus)
[4B]	  Calculated Checksum
[07][0F]  End


TX Konnektorplatine Version abrufen:
%07%F0%00%A1%00%4E%07%0F (A1 + 00 + AD = 14E becomes 4E)

 ó ð¢ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿõe¯ 

RX Explained:
[0E] Version Major
[FF] Byte 1  (Version Major)
[FF] Byte 2  (Version Minor)
[FF] Byte 3  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[FF] Byte 4  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[00] Byte 5  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[FF] Byte 6  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[FF] Byte 7  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[FF] Byte 8  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[FF] Byte 9  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[F5] Byte 10 (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[00] Byte 11 (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[65] Byte 12 (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[00] Byte 13 (Version CC-Ease Bit 7..4 = Version Major Bit 3..0 = Version Minor)
[00] Byte 14 (Version CC-Luxe Bit 7..4 = Version Major Bit 3..0 = Version Minor)
[AF] Checksum
[07][0F] End


TX Temperaturstatus abrufen Info:
Kommando: 0x00 0x0F Temperaturstatus abrufen
Daten: -
Antwort: 0x00 0x10
T1 / Außenluft (°C*)
T2 / Zuluft (°C*)
T3 / Abluft (°C*)
T4 / Fortluft (°C*)

* Gesendeter Wert ist (Temperatur + 20) * 2 

TX Temperaturstatus:
%07%F0%00%0F%00%BC%07%0F (OF + AD = BC) (Decimal - 15 + 173 = 188)

 ó ðDKJEß 

RX Explained:
[07][F3] Ack
[07][F0] Start
[00][10] Antwort
[04] Number of Bytes
[44] T1 68°C
[4B] T2 75°C
[4A] T3 74°C
[45] T4 69°C
[DF] Checksum
[07][0F] End

Storkair WHR930 RS232 via Extron DataViewer

TX firmware version:
$07$F0$00$69$00$16$07$0F (Hercules format)
%07%F0%00%69%00%16%07%0F (Extron DataViewer format)

RX Hercules format:
{07}ð{00}i{00}{16}{07}{0F}{07}ó{07}ð{00}j{0D}{03}F CA350 luxe‡{07}{0F}

RX DataViewer format in both HEX and ASSCII:
 ó ðj
F CA350 luxe‡ 

Calculating the checksum for example command %07%F0%00%69%00%16%07%0F in Decimals:

Kommando: 0x00 0x69
Anzahl: 0x00

Summe = 0 + 105 + 0 + 173 = 278
278 = 0x0116

Checksumme = 0x16 

Calculating the checksum via MS Windows 11 Calculator (put on Programmer mode) in HEX field:

Kommando: 0x00 0x69
Anzahl: 0x00

Summe = 0 + 69 + 0 + AD = 
116 = 0x0116

Checksumme = 0x16

*Die Checksumme ergibt sich durch Addition aller Bytes (exklusive Start und Ende) plus 173. *Tauch der Wert 0x07 doppelt im Datenbereich auf, so wird nur eine 0x07 für die *Checksummenberechnung benutzt. 
*Wenn die Checksumme größer als ein Byte ist, wird das niederwertigste Byte verwendet.


From here, I will use Extron DataViewer format.


TX ventilatorstatus abrufen:

Kommando: 0x00 0x0B Ventilatorstatus abrufen
Daten: -
Antwort: 0x00 0x0C
Daten: Byte[1]
Zuluft (%)
Abluft (%)
Drehzahl Zuluft Ventilator (U/Min**)
Drehzahl Abluft Ventilator (U/Min**) 

%07%F0%00%0B (00 0B is the command) 

Calculating the checksum in Decimals:
00+11+00+173 (HEX 0B = Decimal 11)

Calculating the checksum in HEX:
00+0B+00+AD (HEX AD = Decimal 173 which is the value we need to add according tot the RS232 Protocol)

Command with checksum:

RX Feedback:

RX Feedback Explained:
[07][F3] ack
[07][F0] start
[00][0C] command
[06] data length
[5A][64][02][B8][02][80] data (e.g. hex 64 = decimal 100)
[B9] checksum
[07][0F] end

TX Ventstatus abfruffen:
%07%F0%00%CD 				(CD = decimal 205 + checksum 173 = decimal 378 = hex 17A)
%07%F0%00%CD%00%7A%07%0F 	(17A becomes hex 7A, skipp the 1 in 17A or any HEX value starting with 1)

[07][F3] ack
[07][F0] start
[00][CE] command (Start of the checksum = 00 + CE = 206 bytes in Decimals)
[0E] length 	(= 14 bytes) 
[0F] byte 1 	(= 15 bytes)
[1E] byte 2 	(= 30 bytes)
[3C] byte 3 	(= 60 bytes)
[0F] byte 4 	(= 15)
[19] byte 5 	(= 25)
[32] byte 6 	(= 50)
[64] byte 7 	(= 100)
[5A] byte 8 	(= 90)
[04] byte 9 	(= 4)
[01] byte 10 	(= 1)
[64] byte 11 	(= 100)
[5A] byte 12 	(= 90)
[00] byte 13 	(= 00)
[00] byte 14 	(End of the checksum = 00 + Decimal 173 which is HEX AD)
[CD] checksum 	(see below for the calculation that matches this value)
[07][0F] end

Calculating the Checksum:
00+CE+0E+0F+1E+3C+0F+19+32+64+5A+04+01+64+5A+00+00+AD = hex 3CD (see above to see this is correct, we ignore the first digit)


Random test commands:

TX Klappenstatus abrufen :
%07%F0%00%0D (0D + AD (173) = BA)


RX Explained:
[07][F3] Ack
[07][F0] Start
[00][0E] Command
[04] RX has 4 Bytes of data
[00] Byte 1 = FF = Bypass (%) (0xFF = undefiniert)
[FF] Byte 2 = 00 = Vorheizung (1 = Offen / 0 = Zu / 2 = Unbekannt) 
[00] Byte 3 = 00 = Bypass Motorstrom (ADC Rohdaten) 
[00] Byte 4 = 190 = Vorheizung Motorstrom (ADC Rohdaten)
[BE] Checksum (00 + 0E + 04 + 00 + FF + 00 + 00 = BE)


TX Stufe setzen Niedrig:
%07%F0%00%99%01%02%49%07%0F (99+1+2+AD = 149 (write 49)

TX Stufe setzen Mittel:
%07%F0%00%99%01%03%4A%07%0F (99+1+3+AD = 14A (write 4A)

TX Stufe setzen Hogh:
%07%F0%00%99%01%04%4B%07%0F (99+1+4+AD = 14B (write 4B)
\x07\xF0\x00\x99\x01\x04\x4B\x07\x0F (Home Assistant nc shell command format)


TX RS232 Modus Command info:

0x00 0x9B 		Command RS232 Modus setzen
Daten			: Byte[1] 	
0x00 			= Ende
0x01 			= Nur PC
0x03 			= PC Master
0x04 			= PC Logmodus

TX RS232 Modus setsen:

%07%F0%00%9B%01%04%4D%07%0F (9B + 01 + 04 + AD = 14D becomes 4D)

 ó ðœK  Response
[07][F3][07][F0][00][9C][01][01][4B][07][0F] Response in HEX

RX Antwort info: 
0x00 0x9C
Daten: 			Byte[1] (0x00 = Ohne Verbindung)
0x01 			= Nur PC
0x02 			= Nur CC-Ease
0x03 			= PC Master
0x04 			= PC Logmodus

RX Explained:
[07][F3]  Ack
[07][F0]  Start
[00][9C]  Command
[01] 	  Verbindung (00 = Ohne Verbindung, 01 = Verbindung) 
[01] 	  Verbindung Typer (0x01 = Nur PC, 0x02 = Nur CC-Ease, 0x03 = PC Master, 0x04 = PC Logmodus)
[4B]	  Calculated Checksum
[07][0F]  End


TX Konnektorplatine Version abrufen:
%07%F0%00%A1%00%4E%07%0F (A1 + 00 + AD = 14E becomes 4E)

 ó ð¢ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿõe¯ 

RX Explained:
[0E] Version Major
[FF] Byte 1  (Version Major)
[FF] Byte 2  (Version Minor)
[FF] Byte 3  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[FF] Byte 4  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[00] Byte 5  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[FF] Byte 6  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[FF] Byte 7  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[FF] Byte 8  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[FF] Byte 9  (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[F5] Byte 10 (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[00] Byte 11 (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[65] Byte 12 (Gerätename (ASCII String)
[00] Byte 13 (Version CC-Ease Bit 7..4 = Version Major Bit 3..0 = Version Minor)
[00] Byte 14 (Version CC-Luxe Bit 7..4 = Version Major Bit 3..0 = Version Minor)
[AF] Checksum
[07][0F] End


TX Temperaturstatus abrufen Info:
Kommando: 0x00 0x0F Temperaturstatus abrufen
Daten: -
Antwort: 0x00 0x10
T1 / Außenluft (°C*)
T2 / Zuluft (°C*)
T3 / Abluft (°C*)
T4 / Fortluft (°C*)

* Gesendeter Wert ist (Temperatur + 20) * 2 

TX Temperaturstatus:
%07%F0%00%0F%00%BC%07%0F (OF + AD = BC) (Decimal - 15 + 173 = 188)

 ó ðDKJEß 

RX Explained:
[07][F3] Ack
[07][F0] Start
[00][10] Antwort
[04] Number of Bytes
[44] T1 68°C
[4B] T2 75°C
[4A] T3 74°C
[45] T4 69°C
[DF] Checksum
[07][0F] End


TX Eingänge abrufen Info:

Kommando: 0x00 0x03 Eingänge abrufen
Daten: -
Antwort: 0x00 0x04
Daten: Byte[1]
Stufenschalter: (1 = aktiv / 0 = inaktiv)
 0x01 = L1
 0x02 = L2
Schalteingänge: (1 = aktiv / 0 = inaktiv)
 0x01 = Badezimmerschalter
 0x02 = Küchenhaube Schalter
 0x04 = Externer Filter
 0x08 = Wärmerückgewinnung (WTW)

TX Eingänge abrufen:
%07%F0%00%03%00%B0%07%0F (03 + 00 + AD = B0)


RX Explained:
[07][F3] Ack
[07][F0] Start
[00][04] Command
[02]	 Number of Bytes
[00]	 Byte 1 = 00 (Stufenschalter: 1 = aktiv / 0 = inaktiv)
[00]	 Byte 2 = 00 (Schalteingänge: (1 = aktiv / 0 = inaktiv)
[B3]	 Checksum (00 + 04 + 02 + 00 + 00 + AD = B3)
[07][0F] End


TX Ventilatorstatus abrufen Info:

Kommando: 0x00 0x0B Ventilatorstatus abrufen
Daten: -
Antwort: 0x00 0x0C
Daten: Byte[1]
Zuluft (%)
Abluft (%)
Drehzahl Zuluft Ventilator (U/Min**)
Drehzahl Abluft Ventilator (U/Min**) 

TX Ventilatorstatus abrufen:
%07%F0%00%0B%00%B8%07%0F (0B + 00 + AD = B8)


RX Explained:
[07][F3] Ack
[07][F0] Start
[00][0C] Command
[06]	 Number of Bytes
[19]	 Byte 1 = 
[1E]	 Byte 2 =
[08]	 Byte 3 =
[2C]	 Byte 4 =
[08]	 Byte 5 =
[78]	 Byte 6 =
[AA]	 Checksum (00 + 0C + 06 + 19 + 1E + 08 + 2C + 08 + 78 + AD = 1AA so read AA)
