Strange behavior with bubble card + thermostat app

I have a separator bubble card with a button for my thermostat. The action on single press is to open more info, which is the circular thermostat element. What’s strange is that when I click this button on the iOS app, it also does a second click when the more info dialog is open. So, if I click the button, and that button lines up with the dial on the more info dialog, it will set the temperature to whatever that is. This is really annoying as the setpoint changes to something random almost every time I open it. Any idea what could be causing this (screenshots are from my PC where this behavior does not occur).

Here is the config for that separator

          - type: custom:bubble-card
            card_type: separator
            name: Living room
              - entity: sensor.living_room_temperature_2
                show_icon: false
                show_background: false
                show_state: true
              - entity: climate.living_room_space_heater
                icon: mdi:heat-wave
                  action: more-info
              - entity: light.living_room_lights
                  action: toggle
              - entity: cover.living_room_shades
                icon: mdi:roller-shade
                  action: toggle
            icon: mdi:sofa
            card_layout: normal
