Strange behaviour - no space on device

After two commands I have found something strange: 6.5GB Used, and all files have only 250MB. I can’t update :frowning:

core-ssh:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
none                      6.5G      6.1G         0 100% /
tmpfs                   486.1M     64.0K    486.0M   0% /dev
tmpfs                   486.1M         0    486.1M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p3          294.1M    216.7M     61.9M  78% /dev/init
/dev/mmcblk0p6            6.5G      6.1G         0 100% /addons
/dev/mmcblk0p6            6.5G      6.1G         0 100% /backup
/dev/mmcblk0p6            6.5G      6.1G         0 100% /share
/dev/mmcblk0p6            6.5G      6.1G         0 100% /data
/dev/mmcblk0p6            6.5G      6.1G         0 100% /config
/dev/mmcblk0p6            6.5G      6.1G         0 100% /ssl
/dev/mmcblk0p6            6.5G      6.1G         0 100% /etc/resolv.conf
/dev/mmcblk0p6            6.5G      6.1G         0 100% /etc/hostname
/dev/mmcblk0p6            6.5G      6.1G         0 100% /etc/hosts
shm                      64.0M         0     64.0M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                   486.1M     64.0K    486.0M   0% /proc/timer_list
tmpfs                   486.1M     64.0K    486.0M   0% /proc/timer_stats
tmpfs                   486.1M     64.0K    486.0M   0% /proc/sched_debug
tmpfs                   486.1M         0    486.1M   0% /sys/firmware

core-ssh:~# du -cshx /*
4.0K    /addons
4.0K    /backup
1.9M    /bin
170.4M  /config
52.0K   /data
64.0K   /dev
2.0M    /etc
4.0K    /home
3.4M    /lib
16.0K   /media
4.0K    /mnt
0       /proc
8.0K    /root
72.0K   /run
4.0K    /
436.0K  /sbin
8.0K    /share
4.0K    /srv
4.0K    /ssl
0       /sys
4.0K    /tmp
71.7M   /usr
72.0K   /var
250.1M  total

delete your ‘home-assistant_v2.db’ file


Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
none                      6.5G      6.0G    153.3M  98% /

I’m not use standard db but mariaDB

Did you expand the file system after installing raspbian?

I had this similar issue recently.
In my case, I have mounted network drive to my Pi.
Long story short, I cleared out all the mounting points and rebooted to get the space back.
Hope that helps.

Nope. MariaDB was the problem. Reinstalled and everything is OK :slight_smile: