I have been using the Wake on LAN feature for some time now, it works great. I had one PC that did not work; but it wasn’t working with anything so not the fault of Home Assistant.
It turned out, it was the NIC.
After replacing the NIC, I can wake up the system from the CLI of my Mac like so:
wakeonlan -i -p 1234 12:34:56:78:90:AB
And, the system wakes up and boots as you would expect.
When I edited my switch.yaml to update the MAC address there the switch does not work - it gets greyed out:
And when you try to click on the switch it shows:
You will notice that there are two greyed out switches there. The VR PC which is “real” and the “wake_me_up” which is just a placeholder test.
I added wake_on_lan:
to my config.yaml (I never needed it before) And the yaml in my switches.yaml is:
I have tried adding quotes, changing MAC delimiters etc, but not effect. I am not sure why wake on lan is doing this now - it never did before. (Maybe the wake on lan MQTT I have for PS5 is impacting it?)
I am kind of at a loss.
The first switch in the image - wake_game_pc works just fine, exactly as expected. However, as soon as I updated the MAC address on wake_vr_pc it got greyed out. That’s why I picked the test switch below that.
So… what is going on here? What am I missing? As mentioned, I can wake the system just fine with an actual magic packet - I just can’t get HA to see this as a switch anymore for reasons I cannot discern.