Strange characters in home assistant

Hi there,
I do have a strange problem. When I open the home assistant UI on my mac with Chrome or Opera One, I geht strange Characters and I don’t know how to fix it.
It’s not only on the login - it’s on the whole UI.

I’m assuming you’re not attempting to summon the Great Old Ones?

Does it only happen on the Mac? Can you test from another system?

Unfortunately I just have my iphone and ipad here - both are working fine on the UI of home assistant. Even with the installed chrome browser on my iphone it worked.
It has to be a local problem on my mac - but I don’t know where to find it.

Just for your information - I don’t have any extra proxies installed in my network. No popup blocker - webfilter ect. nothing …

noone any idea?

Maybe this?

I have the same problem on mac. If I use safari it’s ok, with other browsers characters are weird.

Any solution?

The first row of text is the same of yours! If I copy text and paste anywhere I get the right english words!

have you found a solution to the problem?

I found it, I had the ROBOTO font installed on my Mac which was causing problems.
I removed it and that solved all my problems.

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Similar issue here on Mac Chrome and Safari. In the state_content of tile cards, items are separated by an unreadable character “⸱” which should be a dot, but is instead just a square in the browser. According to Bash, this is not a legit ascii character.

printf '%d\n' "'⸱"



Is there any way we can change the separator character or manually build that status line?