Strange error report on configuration.yaml

Hi there,

my HA shows these messages:

Your configuration contains extra keys that the platform does not support. Please remove [interval]. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 301).

Your configuration contains extra keys that the platform does not support. Please remove [retrain]. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 392).

But I can’t find anything wrong with the config.

The lines in my configuration.yaml read:
301 device_tracker:
392 payload_off: “off”

The whole config file is here

What are these “extra keys”? Sorry, English is not my mother tongue.

You have the ‘interval’ option in in 304, which is an invalid key for device_tracker
and in line 399 you have a ‘retrain’ , which should be ‘retain’.

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OMG, you’re right! Thanks. But, still, the line numbers don’t fit, do they?

No, don’t know how HA determines the line numbers, but always check the lines around. :upside_down_face: