Strange MQTT issue with 2 tasmotas (1 light and 1 switch)

Hi all,

I have a strange issue with mqtt in home assistant. I’ll try to explain it the best as I can :

I have many devices managed by tasmota in my house, most of them are lights (shelly1) and some of them are switches (sonoff b1).

The issue is that, when I switch on in HA a switch called switch.telecameraveranda also another light called light.cameradaletto is switched on in HA.

The very strange thing is that this behaviour is not real : the lights it is off.

Moreover I think is related to HA only because looking in tasmoadmin the light status is off, and if I switch on telecameraveranda from tasmoadmin web page status of cameradaletto doesn’t change.

I have latest mqtt addon in Home Assistant, tried to remove and reinstall, tried to move to latest HA version but nothing worked. Can someone please help me?

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Thank you tom but It’s not random switching, it happens EVERY time I switch it on. And it is INSIDE HA. It seems no related to mqtt broker.

Which is what will happen if there are retained messages in the broker. Watch the video.

Hi Tom,

I followed your suggestion and changed switch and power retain to all switches and lights. I removed integration and addon. Then I readded.

NOTHING changed.

Nowhere in the video does it say to do that.

I suspect you have not followed the instructions properly and there are still retained messages in the broker.

This is not possible because I sent the 2 commands using tasmoadmin for ALL lights and switches (not only the problematic one).
I removed the broker addon erasing db with retained messages.
I removed integration.

I redo everything and the same issue persist. In the video Rob speaks about ghost switches related to losing wifi or power. This is not the case. It is sistematic.