So, a few weeks ago, a whole bunch of changes happened on my network at once. Unifi updated al my AP’s and switches, I upgraded Home Assistant - and I switched to the “new” methods of MQTT for my Tasmota devices.
Not soon afterwards, all my MQTT devices (including those that do not run Tasmota) started going Haywire. They constantly disconnected from the network, and appeared to reboot often. (Unfortunately, my Proxmox system with Syslog and Splunk died around the same time so I lost my logs).
I suspect it was a change in the Wifi from Ubiquiti, because my ESP8266 devices that do not run Tasmota were also going haywire. Plus, my shop, which is some distance from the house, and only has one AP, ESP8266 devices in the shop were more stable, and crashed less.
After 3 weeks of troubleshooting, including rebuilding my Wifi networks names/passwords, replacing my router (which handles DHCP) and finally, upgrading all my Tasmota devices from versions 6,7,8,9,10 all to 12.1.1 the systems were still pretty much dead.
Finally, I disabled MQTT on Home Assistant, and re-scanned my devices with the TasmoAdmin application (which is awesome!).
(You can see version/uptimes here)
For each device (except one as a smoke test) I upgraded them to of Tasmota (current) and then executed a “Reset 4” to wipe everything from the device but the Wifi network/password and then re-configured them.
Things are now, finally, mostly stable. The MQTT devices “work” in TasmoAdmin now, and don’t constantly drop off the network.
However, None of them stay up for more than 3 hours runtime. Once they hit 3 hours of runtime, they crash and restart. Fortunately, the restart is very quick, you would not notice unless you were looking.
Still, I am really concerned. Why are my Tasmota devices rebooting? I still have one that is running v 10.0.0 because I am testing if it is a version issue - and it seems not to be.
Any ideas? Why do they never stay up for more than 3 hours before reset?
(meanwhile, I will rebuild my Proxmox systems, and get syslog and Splunk back up to try to get logs).