In my case, I had multiple different hardware devices, all directly connected to mains Power:
Sonoff basic R2
Sonoff S31
Sonoff 4 Channel Pro
Shelly 1
Not connected to main power:
D1 Mini’s with USB Power Supplies, running off UPS Batteries.
All upgraded to the latest Tasmota during their use. What I found was, for reasons I cannot explain, devices close to the top floor performed the worst - often reverting back to the default firmware state by dropping their network, and reverting back to the default state where they advertise their wifi address for configuration usually within a few weeks. Fully replacing the hardware with a different device, but installed in the same place had no effect, the problem reoccured in a week or so. Going into boot loops, then advertising the default “ESP-ABC1234” network, but you cannot actually connect to it. Then the switch itself would stop operating correctly.
As you move outwards, away from the top floor, devices become more reliable, but not perfectly so. They eventually fail, but can operate “normally” for months.
Devices far from the main house, in the detached shop, on a different AP operate with zero issues - and have done so for about 4-5 years now.
Near as I can guess, one of my Ubiquit AP’s is somehow causing grief for tasmota devices. I have 3 in the main house, all on channels 1, 6, and 11. One of those devices, somehow breaks tasmota - regardless of the version. That is my best guess. Once broken, they go into a boot loop, and are basically toast at that point.
I had a very large number of Tasmota devices, but have removed nearly all of them now - with the exception of the detached shop, where they continue to work without issue.