Strange Shelly Button behavior

I have this weird behavior with Shelly Button1 that I can’t figure out. After clicking the button, its LED keeps flashing blue for 10 seconds and then changes to solid red for 40 seconds even though HA immediately registers the button press just fine. This only happens when the button is on battery power. I’m using the Shelly integration. I tried a few different combos:

CoIoT ON with correct ip:port

  • usb-powered: clicks register in HA and button LED works normally
  • battery-powered: clicks register in HA but LED shows a red light

CoIoT ON with non existing host ip

  • usb-powered: LED works normally
  • battery-powered: LED shows a red light

CoIoT ON with mcast

  • LED works normally on both usb and battery power


  • LED works normally on both usb and battery power

I realize this may be a problem with the button itself but I thought I’d ask here before contacting Shelly support.

Some additional info:

Shelly Button firmware version: 20211109-125924/v1.11.7-g682a0db
HA core: core-2021.11.5


  • HA and button are in different VLANs with 1 router hop between them
  • Firewall allows IPv4 traffic from button to HA and HA to button in any protocol and port
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I have exactly the same issue. Have you found any sollution? Having it wired is not an option for me.

Not yet - I’m still discussing the problem with Shelly. They have not been able to reproduce the issue (below instructions pending).

I have since found that

  • If Cloud is enabled AND the button has internet access the problem goes away
  • If the button is held long enough that the blue light starts flashing rapidly, the led acts normally

The shortest path to reproduce after factory reset would be:

  1. Enable Wifi mode - Client and connect to a wifi network
  2. Go to Advanced - Developer settings and change CoIoT peer from mcast to any ip address, I used
  3. Save, Reboot, disconnect from USB power
  4. Click button → result should be red light

I’m seeing the same thing here. Furthermore, any further button presses are not registered while the LED is in either the blue flashing state or in the red state.

It looks like a similar issue was discussed here:
Shelly Button only works with mcast, not unicast, unless on USB power · Issue #62127 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

The solution there was to configure a static IP in the device. Unfortunately I have already done so, but the problem remains. Hopefully you will here from Shelly support soon.

The latest from Shelly is this:

We have raised the ticket with the firmware developers.
If they reproduce the problem, they will make a fix on this and in future firmware update will be solved.

Not having reproduced the issue already seems strange to me, as it should be easy to do in 5 minutes. Unless only some buttons do this. Which would be weird.

I recommend to open your own support tickets with Shelly - if they hear that more customers have the same problem, it’s more likely to be investigated and fixed.

Furthermore, any further button presses are not registered while the LED is in either the blue flashing state or in the red state.

Correct. This will both drain the battery and block using the button for almost a minute.

Do you have a ticket number so I could reference it when I open my own ticket on this issue to Shelly? I updated the firmware on 1 of my 2 Shelly buttons yesterday to the same version as yours and I started having the red light issue after the firmware update.

Ticket number #S-21086521.

Which firmware version did you use before updating? As part of troubleshooting they suggested to downgrade to version 1.11.1 (by going to http://x.x.x.x/ota?url= but it had the same problem.

My Shelly Button 1 had the same problem on firmware version 1.11.7. Updating to the current beta version 20220126-175327/v1.11.8-rc2-g9861f53 solved the issue.

Thanks for letting us know! Updated to 20220209-093755/v1.11.8-g8c7bb8d and the button now works as it should with cloud disabled and no internet connection.

That’s interesting, as my button doesn’t work on 20220209-093755/v1.11.8-g8c7bb8d :confused: I can only
access it on wifi when plugged via usb. The events are not visible in HA. I tried several reboots and removing the battery, but it still is not captured neither by NodeRed, nor by HA alone.

Sorry to bump an old topic - but I have the exact same issue with my Shelly Button - had opened a ticket with Shelly a long time back but got no reply, and put it all in the “too hard basket” and just didn’t use the button for a long time.

Found this thread and have gone looking for the 1.11.8 firmware but can’t find it anywhere on the Shelly site - or indeed find any way in the button firmware to upload it if I did have a copy. Selecting something found OTA seems to be the only upgrade option available, and that is telling me 1.11.7 is the most recent version still.

Where can it be found, and how do you install it once you have it?

Many thanks in anticipation.

Strange that it would tell you that there is no newer firmware available. Regardless you can try to update manually by going to this address from any device in the same network where Shelly is connected (button has to be usb powered): http://x.x.x.x/ota?url=

Change x.x.x.x to IP address of your button.

Nothing will happen in the browser (afair) but the button will upgarde and reboot.

Thanks Github,

Gave it a try -

Got this in the browser…

But nothing at all happened to the button itself - just sat there flashing blue at me all night. WebUI confirms it is still v1.11.7

I don’t know if you fixed the issue I was having problems to register events in HA. Setting the unicast in shelly button fixed the issue for me. here is how to do it.

and if I am not wrong, blue light is always on when device is charging. is the blue light on when charging cable removed as well?

Sorry for re-opening this thread but I want to add another possible solution that helped in my very similar case.

I basically had the same issue as the OP in that my Shelly Button in a different VLAN would switch a lamp connected via Home Assistant only to end up with a red LED light indicating an error.

What I found was that this only occurred when the Button wasn’t having access to the internet. Several hours later I realized that for some reason I had Cloud connectivity enabled under “Internet & Security > Cloud”. Disabling Cloud solved the issue.

I hope this helps someone save the amount of time I put into debugging :woozy_face:

I just got this behavior now (Jan 2024). Blue light flashes for 5 seconds, then solid red light.

None of the solutions already worked for me, and it only started after an HA update.

Turns out I had an IP addressing issue, where I had configured a static IP on the Shelly ( - note the wrong mask of 24) but had also configured a reserved DHCP allocation for the same MAC address on my router (

I removed the DHCP static reservation and set the static IP to be… and the issue went away immediately.

My conclusion is this flashing blue/solid red light is a generic network unreachable. In my case, it had nothing to do with cloud ( I don’t use it, and it is disabled), but I did have a ColoT peer configured on the same network ( that must have been fully or periodically unreachable.

So check your network settings and reachability. Hope this helps someone.

Sorry to revive an old topic, but I had this exact same issue and I just figured it out. No firmware updates ever solved this for me. It turns out, I had ColoT and MQTT BOTH configured in the Advanced settings… I only use ColoT… so once I unchecked MQTT, the red ring of death went away! Problem solved!