Strange SSL problem

Im having an issue with HA and SSL. I use my Asus router to handle my lets encrypt cert. It just expired yesterday so I created a new one with the router and exported the cert and key files.

Heres the problem, I have no issuse with the certs on my Synology and everything reports ok (getting a green lock). Using the exact same certs (as I have done many times before) HA refuses to connect securely. I have cleared cache etc but continue to get an NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID error.

If I check the details the date its says it expires yesterday.

Im stumped. Any ideas on solving this issue?

somehow your certificate did not get renew. So you are still running the old cert which expired a day before. Either you renewed the certs or delete the old certs and create a new one so you can have it back running.

BTW how do you renew your letsencrypt? certbot?

I just renew them manually through my router. I also thought it didnt renew, however when I load them into my Synology they load no problem with an expiry date 3 months from now.

just to be sure… delete your current certs from you machine and then create a new one. If it correctly created, it should run a new certs.

btw how do you create a cert from a router? its should be generated on your machine?

My Asus router has a lets encrypt feature that uses my DDNS. It usualy works really well. I generate the certs on the router and export the 2 files. I then import them to my NAS and copy them over to my HA. With the ports forwarded I get an encrypted connection (Green lock symbol) with chrome, firefox etc.

The current certs are working as normal on my NAS, indicating that the certs are fine. When I inspect the certs the dates are correct and are not due to be updatd for another 3 months.
When I open my HA using my DDNS the certs are stuck on the od date and get the warning that the dates are incorrect. Its really strange

unsure on why it doesnt work.

Thanks for trying to help!! This place is great for that :+1:

Ive managed to get Nginx working, so atleast I can access HA from anywhere. Thanks again.

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Coud you at least also tell hoe you got it fixed.

I ended up installing the Nginx Proxy Manager add-on in Home Assistant. I let that handle the certs etc. Its so much easier and auto updates the certs etc.

You meant the Nginx proxy manager helps to renew the Asus certificates? Also, how long does the Asus certificates last?