Strange storage occupied on Ha

hello, du -shc /* | sort -h
this is the result:

0 /config
0 /dev
0 /proc
0 /sys
4.0K /addons
4.0K /init
4.0K /lib64
4.0K /media
4.0K /mnt
4.0K /opt
4.0K /srv
12.0K /home
32.0K /ssl
44.0K /data
52.0K /command
80.0K /tmp
356.0K /sbin
628.0K /run
2.3M /etc
2.5M /bin
5.5M /package
7.5M /lib
14.4M /root
85.1M /share
97.9M /addon_configs
297.9M /usr
491.4M /var
2.5G /homeassistant
21.8G /backup
25.3G total

but storage say 64,4% of 100g occupied…

any suggestion?

Where did you run this command, in the HA container or in the OS ?

on terminal section of HA

So you ran it in the HA container. To run it on the OS, you need to ssh to port 22222.

I tried several method… alwais failed… do you have a guide please?

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It also looks like your command is counting remote mount points, which the OS percentage shouldn’t be (when run from the host level).

did not work for me…

any suggestions?

yes, provide more details than “didn’t work for me” for more support. We can’t know the details needed to support unless you provide them.

The instructions provided by francisp have worked for me. I have SSH access to the host using port 22222.

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