Stream audio to Google-Cast via local audio device (on GNU/Linux)

I recently bought a “smart speaker” that can be used via Google Cast (it is a Belkin Elite), which I can use reasonably well, e.g. to stream music to from spotify. I also managed to integrate it into my home-assistant deployment (asamof, this was pretty easy and straight-forward).

As I understand it, I could use the home assistant service to stream media files from local file system or local network. More precisely, I understood from skipping through the documentation that I can pass any media by exposing an HTTP endpoint accessible from the target device (my speaker) via some http-api.

My desired use-case, however, would be to also be able to stream any audio from my PC to the speaker; id est to have a local audio device I could configure any process running on my machine to use as “audio sink”. I could then replace my speaker setup w/ the “smart speaker”.

While I feel this should be possible, I would actually like to avoid going through the hassle of implementing such a (pseudo-)device-driver myself and preferrably re-use an existing solution/plugin.

Does such a plugin/integration already exist? Does my idea even make sense?

I am running archlinux (and thus on x86_64, obviously…) w/ PulseAudio + ALSA.
