Stream Component: Confirmed Cameras and Configurations

yup it does, h264 is the only supported format for now actually

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I see sometime the following line in my logs;

2019-03-28 07:38:33 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Serving /api/ to (auth: True)

I dont understand what this is, it certainly not an IP from my devices

Figured this out? I have same issue with foscam

Nope. But did not spend time on it yesterday.

ok, let me know if you figure it out :slight_smile:

Added verify_ssl: false and it works fine now.
Had once this message after stopping the stream: ERROR (MainThread) [] camera.cam2 does not support play stream service.

aha, thx , gonna try it

i dont receive an error in log, for me the circle keeps spinning, never see video
if i remove stream: it works fine

seems my foscams camera ( model C1) dont have mjpeg stream
does it mean i cant use the STREAM: config?


I cannot seem to make it work with any of my Dafang cameras with an rtsp stream powered by Dafang-Hacks.

I used the exact configuration shown above, but none of my 2 cameras work, although I seem to be able to get the camera screenshot (but not the stream):

If I click it, it simply stays like this:

and no stream is shown.

What should I check for to understand what is failing?

Thanks in advance.

In my case, the first time, it does not work, then it works.
Did not try without stream component.

i took my streams now from my synology, working first time
now up and running :slight_smile:

Just want to share my experience with a Foscam camera
I have R2 camera working with a following config:

  - platform: generic 
    name: test
    stream_source: rtsp://adminUser:[email protected]:88/videoMain

However, the stream is delayed by ~15-20 seconds while buffering, so if used in an automation of some sort the delay may cause problems.

ffmpeg v2.0 is coming in 91.0 , maybe it will make a difference

So I’ve got a weird one, and wondering if anyone has seen anything like this. I finally got a Foscam configuration to work with the following config (currently commented out due to the issue I’m about to mention):

#  - platform: generic
#    still_image_url: http://x.x.x.x:88/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=snapPicture2&usr=xxxxxx&pwd=xxxxxx
#    stream_source: rtsp://xxxxx:[email protected]:88/videoMain
#    name: "Living Room"
#    verify_ssl: false

So I have 4 cameras set up like this. I finally got them working and tested them all yesterday. After a while, the GUI became unresponsive. Tried refreshing, ctrl-f5, etc, and it wouldn’t load. Stopped and restarted the HA services and it came back up. Wrote it off as a one time thing until it happened again a little later. Commented out the new config and went back to the original Foscam configuration and it hasn’t happened since.

I’m running HA on a Raspberry PI3+ in virtualenv. Anybody seen any behavior like this or have any ideas as to where the issue might be?

The instructions for Synology are incomplete; they tell me how to get the stream URL (which I can do successfully) but the stream component also requires a still image URL. Anyone know how to obtain that?

Thanks Bigrob8181!
DLink 2132L config

  - platform: generic
    name: A Camera
    stream_source: rtsp://username:[email protected]:5010/live2.sdp
    username: !secret dlink_username
    password: !secret dlink_password
    verify_ssl: false

RTSP URL working fine in VLC player , but the error in log camera.gangen does not support play stream service

      - platform: generic
        scamera.play_stream: rtsp://username:[email protected]:12001/VideoInput/1/h264/1
        username: !secret dahua_username
        password: !secret dahua_password
        verify_ssl: false
        authentication: basic
        name: Gangen

No more distortion on dafang stream after update to 0.90.2

Hi smile,

Try replacing scamera.play_stream: with stream_source: