Stream Component: Confirmed Cameras and Configurations

You can find the image for the dafang camera with this

still_image_url: https://your-ip/cgi-bin/currentpic.cgi

What bitrate are you using? And how do you enable swap memory? Do I need a sd card for my dafang camera? What does swap memory do ?


I have 3000 Kbps, to enable swap you have to edit vi /system/sdcard/ and set swap=true.
Enabling swap give the system more memory.

Where do you specify the bitrate? Is it in the dafang configuration page?

Hardware Version: 3300-ov9712a
Software Ver: V2.1.8.22-M20-Build:20140425T

Still_image doesnā€™t seems to works as it return an the snapshot URL ā€¦

This Works :
- platform: generic
still_image_url: ā€˜{{ states.sensor.camera_dependance_snap.state }}ā€™
stream_source: rtsp://
name: ā€œCamera Dependanceā€
verify_ssl: false

sensor :
- platform: command_line
name: Camera Dependance Snap
command: ā€˜echo`curl -sS ā€œhttp://ā€ | sed s/.*="//g | sed s/"// | sed s/\r//`ā€™
scan_interval : 600

in browser go to http://ip_cam_address user: root password: ismart12 select service, video and set the bitrate.

Did you manage to find the url for the still image?

nopeā€¦ iā€™m using a still jpeg image in the www dir, i canā€™t find a working url for the still image.
Do someone in this post has find it?

Can you share what video format setting are you using in Dafang?
I just switched from SMART to VBR and it works better. Before I was just able to watch same 18 sec video ā€¦

Other settings I have:
Bitrate 700
Fps 10
Resolution 1028x720

Fanghack is working for me without issues. But Iā€™m using stillimage from MotionEye that Iā€™m also using

Here is my config:

  - platform: generic
    name: Cam
    stream_source: rtsp://192.168.x.y:554/unicast
    still_image_url: https://192.168.z.w:8765/picture/3/current
    verify_ssl: false
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Same for me, using smart the stream stop after a while.
Now I had issue when open live feed and then close it, after about 5 min. Home Assistant crash. I had to stop rtsp server from dafang web interface and then home assistant return to work normally.
No errors in log seems like HA crashes when trying to stop rtsp stream.

Apart from my settings provided above - lower bitrate, lower fps - I also have audio disabled

My camera works well with these settings (HA running on rpi3 B+) the only problem is the issue mentiond before.

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ok, played with it today, casting to chromecast worked fine, but it seems it used my nabucasa URL as my base_url
is it enought to change the base_url to my internal HA ip? so all streaming to chromecast stays internally? or does google/chromecast needs an external public url?

Does anyone use Raspberry Pi based cameras?
Iā€™ve been playing around with v4l2rtspserver and can stream RTSP from the Pi to VLC without much fussā€¦

However the stream component struggles - it seems to re-buffer a fair bit when playing back on a Google Home Hub display.
Also if the service on the Pi is restarted, I seem to have to restart Home Assistant to be able to play the stream againā€¦

I had high latency too (about 7-8 seconds) - increasing the framerate so that there are more key frames seem to have helped reduce this, but it would be interesting to hear if anyone has success with this setup ?

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Same for me. both lookback and duration seem to be ignored.

Anyone got to use rtsp stream from QNAP surveillance sttaion?

Why not just go direct from your cameras? Thatā€™s what I do and I use QVR Pro on my QNAP.

The streams from my Hikvision cameras through Zoneminder to HA work flawlessly at 15fps with no issue. When I add them as generic cameras, Iā€™m getting 1/2fps. I was hoping to remove Zoneminder from the chain and use HA directly to monitor and record.

Other Hikvision users, what are you using and what fps are you getting in lovelace?


Shutting down zoneminder and using HA directly hasnā€™t made any difference.


This is my configuration for my Hikvision DS-2CD2385FWD-I:

- platform: generic
  name: House
  still_image_url: "http://user:password@ip-address/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/101/picture"
  stream_source: "rtsp://user:password@ip-address:554/Streaming/channels/3/"

Identical to yours except for the framerate option.
Then in my configuration.yaml I have this:

The configuration in my camera is this:

When watching the stream through hassio everything streams smooth.