Alternately, login to the camera’s GUI using your web browser, and disable ONVIF authentication.
I see it’s an Imou-based device. Use your smart phone app to create a ‘guest’ user (if possible). Does the app allow you to toggle ONVIF authentication?
I had success with username “admin” - seems that the password depends on the camera: I have a LOOC and a Bullet Lite. The app asks for a “device password” during setup of the LOOC and you should use that password to connect. The Bullet Lite is an older model and it uses a password printed on the sticker on the camera.
I ended up connecting them to my Synology Surveillance Station and then link HA to the Synology…
Seems like the Cue 2 dosen’t have the ability to change password. No password printed on sticker, the app dosen’t ask for device password during setup and I’m unable to recover device passwotd through the app…