Stream MJPEG IP Camera to TV?

Hi there,

Apologies if this is a basic question. I’m new to HA, and despite knowing linux pretty well, and doing basic automation elsewhere (tasker on android) - I’m baffled by the complexity of HA at this point.

I have core installed in a python venv on a pi4 (8gb).

I have an MJPEG camera stream set up in the MJPEG camera integration that I can see in Lovelace (and Octoprint on my Pi).

I want to cast the printer camera to my living room TV. The TV is connected to the Samsung Smart TV intrgration and DNLA Renderer intrgration.

I can’t see a way to do this on the visual editor, so I tried the following action in the YAML editor

  service: camera.play_stream
    entity_id: camera.printer
    media_player: media_player.[LONG_NAME_OF_MY_TV]

However that won’t even save.

I have previously tried setting the camera up as a generic camera in that integration - but it is very glitchy.

did you found out how to cast to tv? thanks