Streaming feature for voice assistant

Hello, is there a plan to implement a streaming feature for the voice assistant?

Similar to how the paid version of the ChatGPT voice assistant operates, it would be beneficial not to wait until the conversation agent’s response is fully generated before starting the text-to-speech (TTS) conversion. Instead, streaming the text of the reply while using the TTS streaming feature would enhance the experience.

Incorporating a streaming feature could reduce response times by 10-40 seconds per query for lengthy answers provided by GPT-4 as a conversation agent. This would align its performance with that of other commercial voice assistants.

We are Raspiaudio

Hi. I am looking for this feature as well. Seems like not so many votes or interest sadly :frowning:

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+1, I’m looking for this feature as well. It is specially useful when running local models like Ollama, because it is quite slower than ChatGPT in my setup