Streaming via Bluetooth from Hassio to Speaker

Hello dear people, i have been researching in ways to do this project. I have a mini Hi-Fi system equipped with bluetooth (LG CJ45). I can turn the device on and stream music or i can turn it on via the always on bluetooth. Once a device connects to it, it will turn on and start streaming.

I am running Hassio (via on the raspbian os on which i have Samba server running.

I have Plex installed as add-on and was thinking how to stream the music files to the speaker.

Any ideas? Am not an expert though, i research and learn to do my setups.

Since you are running Raspian, this is an option:

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Thanks a lot for pointing me to that guide. Tried it and played some wave files but it was not stable enough to trigger some automatic music playing through home assistant.