Strip led animation

hello everyone, I wanted to implement led strips with this effect when switched on. Can you tell me which LED strip to get and if I can do something cheap but having the reliability and control everything with HA.
I have 3 ESP32 at moment

Sorry if the section is not the right one.
Thank you

I personally have been really happy using WLED. It’s a little DIY: in my case I ended up designing a small PCB that’s pretty multipurpose depending on LED voltage and power source to make it extra easy to throw a new one together whenever I want. It also integrates into Home Assistant very easily as well.
Short and sweet is you flash an ESP device with their firmware and hook up your own individually addressable LED strips.

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Thank you. Does the effect you see in the video exist in the firmware to be flashed on the esp?

From the little bit of the video I watched , it looked like a pretty standard ‘chase’ effect which WLED can definitely do. I haven’t used but the tiniest fraction of the built-in effects it comes with, and it’s fairly easy to customize/make your own effects as well.

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Thank you.

how can i connect led strip wled with firmware on esp to HA?

I need a shelly? or directly esp with fw

Thank you

Once you setup WLED on your ESP and get it setup and on the same network, Home Assistant will auto-discover it.

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