Strip Lights flash once when turning on or changing brightness / Colour settings

Hi Folks,

I have HA connected to my Philips Hub V2 and I have some of the recent LIDL strip lights that identify themselves as _TZ3000_riwp3k79, Model: TS0505A ( Livarno Lux ).

Work perfectly through Philips Apps and other apps - However seem to do something weird when connected via HA and sounds similar to the issue detailed here maybe: Innr GU10s with Hue flashing and random weirdness

Bit of a pain when using flux or adaptive lighting for example as flashes on every transition.

This happens when trying to control individually, part of HA light-groups or philips imported light-groups.

So - is this a bug with HA or is there any configuration I can set on the integration?



I have created an issue on GitHub relating to this as pretty sure its a bug -

Confirm same bug.
I’ll patch it with same patch as innr and it work great.
There also another things with Max Mireds set as 65535 and must set to 454

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Same bug here! I do not know how to patch for myself, but can i help fixing it in the stable version of Home Assistant?

the bug was patched, but is still awaiting approval to be merged back into main branch.

Thats great news! As i could not find this information, do you know when this might happen? (days, weeks, months, years?)

Who knows. I don’t know how long it takes for devs to review PR’s but coming Upto a month now so quite disappointing

This has not been fixed yet. Can anyone help ? The update has came online yesterday but i face still same issue in HA. In hue app it works fine.

Hi everybody,
I have been waiting for a solution a long time now. How can i help to speed things up? This is getting kind of dissapointing. I have offered help multiple times now.
