Strptime templatating to integer/float

I have a sensor:


that returns a string in the format 03:07:08 as h:m:s.

I need to divide the time duration by a float to calculate l/h fuel consumption.

Using this:
{{ strptime(states('sensor.generator_outage_log_duration'), "%H:%M:%S")}},
I get
1900-01-01 03:37:08. Dev tools reports that this is returned as a string also.

How can I get a float or integer returned instead that I can then calculate on?

{% set seconds = as_timestamp(strptime(states('sensor.generator_outage_log_duration'), "%H:%M:%S")) - as_timestamp("1900-01-01") %}
{{ seconds / 3600 | float }} hours

If the format is rigidly hh:mm:ss for all values and doesn’t ever exceed 100 hours:

{% set ts = states('sensor.generator_outage_log_duration') %}
{{ ts[0:2]|int + ts[3:5]|int/60 + ts[6:8]|int/3600 }}

It’s a duration sensor. It will go above that.

To use duration sensors, use as_timedelta

{% set fuel = states('sensor.fuel') | float(0) %}
{% set duration = states('sensor.generator_outage_log_duration') | as_timedelta %}
{% if duration %}
  {# duration is a timedelta, to get hours divide the objects seconds by 3600 #}
  {{ fuel / (dur.seconds / 3600) }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
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Thanks all for the contributions.

Here’s where I’m at:

- sensor:
    - name: "Last outage estimated fuel used per hour"
      state: >
        {% set fuel = states('sensor.generator_outage_log_estimated_fuel') | float(0) %}
        {% set duration = states('sensor.generator_outage_log_duration') | as_timedelta %}
        {% if duration %}
          {# duration is a timedelta, to get hours divide the objects seconds by 3600 #}
          {{ (fuel / ((duration.seconds) /3600)) | round(2) }}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

From the last log, the outage was 3h 37m 8s in duration, which should equate to 3.618 hours, and a fuel usage of 7.07 litres.

Therefore, 7.07/3.618 is 1.95 litres/hour.

The sensor yields exactly the same.

Thank you all so much.