Structuring platform: file code

Hi everyone, I have a single line text file that gets updated from an xml that stores a bunch of keywords and their values. I'm using a few 'platform: file' entries in the configuration.yaml to make into entities. Is there a better way to structure the code such its not repeating the same lines over, like 'file_path'?

- platform: file
  file_path: /config/dpool.txt
  name: mainVolt
  value_template: >
   {{ value | regex_findall_index('<mainVolt>(.*?)<') }}
  unit_of_measurement: "V"
- platform: file
  file_path: /config/dpool.txt
  name: carportVolt
  value_template: >
   {{ value | regex_findall_index('<carportVolt>(.*?)<') }}
  unit_of_measurement: "V"
- platform: file
  file_path: /config/dpool.txt
  name: cpLgBattVolt
  value_template: >
   {{ value | regex_findall_index('<cpLgBattVolt>(.*?)<') }}
  unit_of_measurement: "V"

XML files are directly readable by the restful sensor.

The XML file will be converted to json and each attribute will be appended with @, so you can directly access them with a value template like this:

value_template: "{{ value_json[@maybe_some_level_here"]["@mainVolt"] }}"