Total noob here so please be patient with me. I am having a great time setting up HA and recently decided to start playing with NFCs and RFIDs to create automations. I was excited to find adonno’s tag_reader, but I am having a heck of a time getting it working. I’ve followed all of the instructions on his git for building the reader and getting it programmed and into HA. I was able to get it programmed in the ESPHome integration in HA, but when I turn it on and look at the logs the pn532 shows as failed:
INFO ESPHome 2024.12.4
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/tag-reader-garage.yaml...
INFO Starting log output from tag-reader-garage.local using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to tag-reader-garage @ in 3.773s
INFO Successful handshake with tag-reader-garage @ in 2.864s
[23:42:24][I][app:100]: ESPHome version 2024.12.4 compiled on Feb 4 2025, 23:30:32
[23:42:24][C][wifi:600]: WiFi:
[23:42:24][C][wifi:428]: Local MAC: E0:98:06:10:23:2E
[23:42:24][C][wifi:433]: SSID: [redacted]
[23:42:24][C][wifi:436]: IP Address:
[23:42:24][C][wifi:439]: BSSID: [redacted]
[23:42:24][C][wifi:441]: Hostname: 'tag-reader-garage'
[23:42:24][C][wifi:443]: Signal strength: -39 dB ▂▄▆█
[23:42:24][C][wifi:447]: Channel: 1
[23:42:24][C][wifi:448]: Subnet:
[23:42:24][C][wifi:449]: Gateway:
[23:42:24][C][wifi:450]: DNS1:
[23:42:24][C][wifi:451]: DNS2:
[23:42:24][C][logger:185]: Logger:
[23:42:24][C][logger:186]: Level: DEBUG
[23:42:24][C][logger:188]: Log Baud Rate: 115200
[23:42:24][C][logger:189]: Hardware UART: UART0
[23:42:24][C][i2c.arduino:071]: I2C Bus:
[23:42:24][C][i2c.arduino:072]: SDA Pin: GPIO4
[23:42:24][C][i2c.arduino:073]: SCL Pin: GPIO5
[23:42:24][C][i2c.arduino:074]: Frequency: 400000 Hz
[23:42:24][C][i2c.arduino:086]: Recovery: bus successfully recovered
[23:42:24][C][esp8266_pwm:022]: ESP8266 PWM:
[23:42:24][C][esp8266_pwm:023]: Pin: GPIO13
[23:42:24][C][esp8266_pwm:024]: Frequency: 988.0 Hz
[23:42:24][C][light:092]: Light 'TagReader LED'
[23:42:24][C][light:094]: Default Transition Length: 1.0s
[23:42:24][C][light:095]: Gamma Correct: 2.80
[23:42:24][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'TagReader Buzzer Enabled'
[23:42:24][C][template.switch:070]: Icon: 'mdi:volume-high'
[23:42:24][C][template.switch:090]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to ON
[23:42:24][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES
[23:42:24][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'TagReader LED enabled'
[23:42:24][C][template.switch:070]: Icon: 'mdi:alarm-light-outline'
[23:42:25][C][template.switch:090]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to ON
[23:42:25][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES
[23:42:25][C][restart.button:017]: Restart Button 'TagReader Restart'
[23:42:25][C][restart.button:017]: Icon: 'mdi:restart'
[23:42:25][C][pn532:431]: PN532:
[23:42:25][C][pn532:443]: Update Interval: 1.0s
[23:42:25][C][pn532_i2c:125]: Address: 0x24
[23:42:25][E][component:082]: Component pn532 is marked FAILED
[23:42:25][C][status:034]: Status Binary Sensor 'TagReader Status'
[23:42:25][C][status:034]: Device Class: 'connectivity'
[23:42:25][C][version.text_sensor:021]: Version Text Sensor 'TagReader ESPHome Version'
[23:42:25][C][version.text_sensor:021]: Icon: 'mdi:new-box'
[23:42:25][C][rtttl:030]: Rtttl:
[23:42:25][C][rtttl:031]: Gain: 0.600000
[23:42:25][C][captive_portal:089]: Captive Portal:
[23:42:25][C][mdns:116]: mDNS:
[23:42:25][C][mdns:117]: Hostname: tag-reader-garage
[23:42:25][C][esphome.ota:073]: Over-The-Air updates:
[23:42:25][C][esphome.ota:074]: Address: tag-reader-garage.local:8266
[23:42:25][C][esphome.ota:075]: Version: 2
[23:42:25][C][esphome.ota:078]: Password configured
[23:42:25][C][safe_mode:018]: Safe Mode:
[23:42:25][C][safe_mode:019]: Boot considered successful after 60 seconds
[23:42:25][C][safe_mode:021]: Invoke after 10 boot attempts
[23:42:25][C][safe_mode:022]: Remain in safe mode for 300 seconds
[23:42:25][C][api:140]: API Server:
[23:42:25][C][api:141]: Address: tag-reader-garage.local:6053
[23:42:25][C][api:143]: Using noise encryption: YES
[23:42:25][C][wifi_info:012]: WifiInfo SSID 'TagReader Connected SSID'
[23:42:25][C][wifi_info:012]: Icon: 'mdi:wifi-strength-2'
[23:42:25][C][wifi_info:010]: WifiInfo IPAddress 'TagReader IP Address'
[23:42:25][C][wifi_info:010]: Icon: 'mdi:wifi'
[23:43:11][I][safe_mode:041]: Boot seems successful; resetting boot loop counter
On boot, the speaker chirps and the light turns on. As you can see from the log above, the pn532 is marked failed. Strangely this occurs whether I plug in the programmed D1 mini with all the other components (the speaker, led, and pn532) attached and this is also what occurs when I have nothing attached to the D1 mini. I’ve tried different D1 minis from different manufacturers. I’ve tried different pn532 from different manufacturers. I’ve confirmed that the pn532 dip switches are set 1:On 2:Off.
Anyone have any idea what I’m doing wrong? Thanks in advance!