Struggling with Permanent USB Names (UDEV)

I am running a RPi4.

Last year after a lot of trial and errors, I was able to assign permanent names to my Z-Wave controller.

Now, I need to add a new UDEV rule and after many trial and errors, I am still not succeeding. :slightly_frowning_face:

I seem to remember that I used a USB memory stick with a CONFIG volume name and a /etc/udev/rules.d folder where I placed 99-usb-serial.rules file.

Anyone has any thoughts?

Ok, I got it working by creating the folder /CONFIG/udev/ on the boot partition and placing the rules file in this folder. Note that after booting Home Assistant, the CONFIG folder has been deleted from the boot partition.

There should already be a persistent device path in /dev/serial/by-id, thereโ€™s usually no reason to install your own, for USB controllers at least.