Struggling with Reolink 820 HA setup (SOLVED)

Maybe I am missing something here, but I have my Reolink 820 linked to my HA (on unRAID Docker) via the reolink dev custom repo.

Do I HAVE to use something like Frigate or MotionEye? I have been able to get the camera to record video clips to a share in my unRAID system when activated by various automations.

I do keep getting an error:

Error from stream worker: Error opening stream rtsp://:@192.168.1.XX:XXX/h264Preview_01_main

I saw some other post here about requesting a custom firmware from Reolink and also reducing my camera settings from 4k down to 2k, which I have done. Still waiting on the firmware response but I don’t know if that is the solution I actually need for the aforementioned error.

SOLVED: Went with Frigate. Used the custom firmware and can stream and record in 1440p without issues now, including live stream in lovelace.