I am very new to HA so please bear with me but I am struggling to connect SmartThings properly. I originally setup HA on a Raspberry PI and was able to connect SmartThings but I’ve since created a clean install using a virtual machine. Now when I am trying to add my Personal Access Token I get a message that says “SmartThings could not validate the webhook URL.” When I click on the Webhook URL I get a message that says: “405: Method Not Allowed”. I’ve tried disabling the webhook, creating a new PAT, rebooting Home Assistant and still not getting anywhere. I’m sure it is something I’m doing wrong but need some help with this.
I also enabled the logs per the SmartThings install and get this error:
API error setting up the SmartApp: {‘requestId’: ‘F4C542E8-19E4-4E67-9F7C-3DA1B659316A’, ‘error’: {‘code’: ‘ConstraintViolationError’, ‘message’: ‘The request is malformed.’,
Please help!